About Bo So
Bo So sheds light on Oriental painting materials that have not been properly introduced to the public or were confined within the art studio, curating, collecting, and presenting them in a new perspective.
Starting with munbangsawoo, the brand not only introduces the aesthetics embedded in Eastern painting materials/tools/pigments but also presents their spirit for everyday incorporation. Furthermore, it showcases the paint palette as an objet d'art.
“The Bo So magazine illuminates the proper usage and beauty of materials and tools in traditional East-Asian painting, quietly maintaining their positions and fulfilling their roles until a single piece of artwork is created.”
Bo So," a name that combines "Bo" meaning treasure, highly valued, and "So," originally meaning diligence, preserving purity, and being sincere, comes together to signify "a formless treasure."
Bo So represents the desire to introduce and cherish Eastern artistic materials (Four Treasures of the Study) that quietly exist in their own place, performing their roles with utmost care and sincerity, much like treasures.